Current Members
Shanthanu Katakum, Spring 2023 - present
Graduate Research Assistant
Shanthanu recieved his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Warangal (NIT Warangal) in 2022. Prior to joining Dr. Bahadur's lab in Spring 2023, he worked as a Junior Research Assistant at NIT Warangal for a few months. His current research interests include advanced membrane desalination and green hydrogen production. Shanthanu was awarded the George J. Heuer Jr. PhD Endowed Graduate Fellowship in June 2024.
Dr. Tejaswi Soori, Fall 2022 - present
Tejaswi is a research fellow and his research interests are in the area of fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and machine learning. Tejaswi received his B.S. (2012) from India and his M.S. (2016) and Ph.D. (2019) from Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Prior to joining the Bahadur group in 2022, he worked as a postdoctoral associate at Drexel University for three years.
Mark Hamalian, Spring 2022 - present
Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant | NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Mark earned his Bachelor's degrees in Physics from Stonehill College and in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 2019. He worked for a few years in aerospace before starting at UT in Fall 2021 and joining Dr. Bahadur's lab in Spring 2022. Mark was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in 2023 to research rapid synthesis of CO2 gas hydrates for long term carbon sequestration. Outside of research he likes soccer, camping, and gardening.
Karey Maynor, Spring 2022 - present
Ph.D. Gradaute Research Assistant | NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Karey earned his Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX in 2017. He worked for 4 years at HTRI as a Test Engineer before returning to academia to pursue a Ph.D. He joined Bahadur's lab in Spring 2022. His current research focuses on carbon capture and sequestration, green ammonia production, and related sustainable energy topics. Karey was awarded the NSF Gradaute Research Fellowship in 2023.
Awan Bhati
Ph.D., 2024
(Currently at: Qualcomm)
Serhat Bilyaz
Post Doc, 2022
(Currently at: Tesla)
Manojkumar Lokanathan
Ph.D., 2022
(Currently at: C-Crete Technologies)
Aritra Kar
Ph.D., 2022
(Currently at: Intel)
Palash V. Acharya
Ph.D., 2021
(Currently at: Qualcomm)
Enakshi Wikramanayake
Ph.D., 2020
(Currently at: Exponent)
Onur Ozkan
Ph.D., 2019
(Currently at: Intel)
Arjang Shahriari
Ph.D., 2018
(Currently at Qualcomm)
Renee Hale
Ph.D., 2016
Katherine Carpenter
Ph.D., 2016
(Currently at: Raytheon)
Mark Hermes
B.Sc., 2016
(Currently at: USC)
Colin Capello
M.Sc., 2016
Chris Galvin
M.Sc., 2015
(Currently at: US Navy)
Enes Gokkus
M.Sc., 2014
(Currently at: Global Prior Art, Inc.)