- Prof. Bahadur leads the development and approval of a Minor program in Semiconductor Science and Engineering, which launches in 2025.
November 2024
- Karey’s discovery of magnesium-based promotion of tetrahydrofuran hydrates is published in Langmuir.
October 2024
- Awan’s techno-economic analysis of CO2 hydrate formation is published in Applied Energy.
September 2024
- Awan’s experimental demo of the fastest-ever CO2 hydrate formation is published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering.
August 2024
- Awan defends his PhD dissertation and moves on to Qualcomm. Congratulations, Dr. Bhati!
June 2024
- Shanthanu’s study on reverse osmosis-based treatment of oilfield produced water for green hydrogen production is published in Desalination.
April 2024
- Serhat and other’s study of the impact of high thermal conductivity insulation on life of power transformers is published in Heliyon.
March 2024
- Awan’s study on CO2 hydrate formation from flue gas mixtures is published in Separation and Purification Technology.
February 2024
- Prof. Bahadur introduces a new graduate-level class on 'Microelectronics Packaging and Thermal Management'.
August 2023
- Awan and Serhat's research on modeling carbon capture is published in International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.
August 2023
- Karey is awarded a UT Chevron Energy Graduate Fellowship.
Link to press release from the Energy Institute.
May 2023
- Mark and Karey are both awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Link to press release from the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering.
March 2023
- Aritra's work on simulations of CO2 hydrate formation-based carbon capture is published in Chemical Engineering Journal.
September 2022
- Manoj's work on machine learning-based predictions of electrocoalescence of droplets is published in Chemical Engineering Reserach and Design.
September 2022
- Manoj's work on electrowetting-induced coalescence of water droplets in hydrocarbons is published in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.
June 2022
- Manoj defends his PhD dissertation and moves on to C-Crete Technologies. Congratualtions, Dr. Lokanathan!
May 2022
- Manoj and Awan successfully complete the NSF I-Corps program which assesses the commercialization prospects of hydrate-based CO2 sequestration.
April 2022
- Aritra defends his PhD dissertation and moves on to Intel. Congratulations, Dr. Kar!
February 2022
- Palash's work on machine learning-based predictions of power electronics packaging performance is published in Journal of Electronic Packaging.
December 2021
- Palash defends his dissertation and moves on to Qualcomm. Congratulations, Dr. Acharya!
December 2021
- Aritra's work on nucleation kinetics of ice is published in Langmuir.
October 2021
- Aritra’s article on ultrafast nucleation of CO2 hydrates is published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. This has been heavily featured in news media like phys.org.
Link to complete article.
August 2021
- Aritra’s work on film growth of hyrates is published in Chemical Engineering Science.
Link to complete article.
April 2021
- Manoj's review article on high thermal conductivity nanocomposities is published in Proceedings of the IEEE.
Link to complete article.
June 2021
- Palash’s work on using machine learning for predicting the formation of hydrates is published in Fluid Phase Equilibria.
Link to complete article.
December 2020
- Onur’s work on popping bubbles in Leidenfrost droplets is published in Physics of Fluids.
Link to complete article.
November 2020
- Aritra receives the Philip C. and Linda L. Lewis Foundation Graduate Fellowship.
August 2020
- Enakshi’s work on electrowetting-induced droplet shedding is published in Applied Physics Letters.
Link to complete article.
May 2020
- Enakshi’s work on machine learning-based modeling of droplet coalescence is published in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.
Link to complete article.
May 2020
- Enakshi defends her PhD. Many congrats Dr. Enakshi!
April 2020
- Prof. Bahadur’s summary of the workshop on “Next-generation dielectric materials for microelectronics/electrical applications” is published in IEEE Electrical Insulation magazine.
Link to complete article.
March 2020
- Palash receives University Continuing Graduate Fellowship.
March 2020
- Aritra’s work on flared gas-based desalination of flowback water from Shale fields is published in Energy.
Link to complete article.
February 2020
- Palash's (and others') work on accelerated formation of CO2 hydrates is published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. This was also featured on Exxon Mobil’s flagship magazine and on their Instagram page.
Link to complete article and Link to Exxon's Magazine.
January 2020
- Onur’s work on heat transfer enhancement due to suppression of the Leidenfrost state is published in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
Link to complete article.
December 2019
- Prof. Bahadur hosts a workshop at MIT on “Next-generation dielectric materials for microelectronics/electrical applications”.
December 2019
- Onur defends his PhD, the 4th PhD from the group. Congratulations, Dr. Ozkan!
November 2019
- Palash's collaborative work with Prof. Zheng's group at UT was published in Matter.
November 2019
- Manoj's work on comparing electrowettability and surfactants as tools for wettability enhancement on a hydrophobic surface is published in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.
Link to complete article.
November 2019
- Prof. Bahadur is promoted to Associate Professor.
September 2019
- Enakshi’s work on electrowetting-accelerated condensation is published in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
Link to complete article.
June 2019
- Palash receives the Philip C. and Linda L. Lewis Foundation Graduate Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering.
August 2019
- Onur's work on electrical impedance-based characterization electrostatic suppression of the Leidenfrost state is published in Applied Physics Letters as a featured article.
Link to complete article.
April 2019
- Manoj and Enakshi’s work on fabrication of textured surfaces for oil-water wettability control applications is published in Materials Research Express.
Link to complete article.
December 2018
- Prof. Bahadur’s work (with collaborators in India) is published in Energy. This is about a new solution to smog in Indian cities by using crop residue (which is currently burnt) to power atmospheric water harvesting for potable water production.
Link to complete article.
October 2018
- Arjang’s work on acoustics and boiling is published in Physical Review E.
Link to complete article.
July 2018
- Prof. Bahadur’s perspectives on waste natural gas-based atmospheric water harvesting are featured in The Conversation.
Link to complete article.
July 2018
- Prof. Bahadur receives the 2018 Early Career Award at ICNMM (International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels) in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
June 2018
- Arjang is the third student to defend his PhD. Congratulations on your defense, Dr. Shahriari!
April 2018
- Prof. Bahadur is selected as a recipient of the 2017 Google Faculty Research Award.
Link to complete article.
March 2018
- Palash’s collaborative work with Prof. Zheng’s group at UT was published in Advanced Optical Materials.
Link to complete article.
March 2018
- Our group's work on atmospheric water harvesting is featured in NBC News.
Link to complete article.
January 2018
- Palash’s review article on electrofreezing is published in Advances in Colloid and Interface Science.
Link to complete article.
January 2018
- Arjang and Onur's work on electrostatic suppression of the Leidenfrost state on liquid substrates is published in Langmuir.
Link to complete article.
October 2017
- Onur and Arjang's work on electrostatic suppression of the Leidenfrost state using AC electric fields is published in Applied Physics Letters.
Link to complete article.
October 2017
- Prof. Bahadur gives a keynote talk at the ASME 2017 15th International Conference for International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM2017) in Cambridge, MA.
- Title: Emerging frontiers in phase change heat transfer: Micro/nanoscale phenomena with industrial scale impact.
August 2017
- Enakshi and Onur’s work on the use of landfill gas for atmospheric water harvesting is published in Energy.
Link to complete article.
July 2017
- Onur, Enakshi, Palash, and Arjang receive the Philip C. and Linda L. Lewis Foundation Graduate Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering.
July 2017
- Arjang, Palash and Katie’s work on foam-based electronucleation of hydrates is published in Langmuir.
Link to complete article.
May 2017
- Renee’s work on the microfluidics behind an electrowetting heat pipe is published in the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering.
Link to complete article.
May 2017
- Prof. Bahadur gives an invited talk at IEEE-NEMS 2017 at UCLA.
April 2017
- Prof. Bahadur receives the CAREER award from the National Science Foundation.
Link to complete article.
March 2017
- Onur and Enakshi’s work on modeling flared-gas powered atmospheric water harvesting is published in Applied Thermal Engineering.
Link to complete article.
February 2017
- Arjang's article (with collaborators) on instability analysis of Leidenfrost state suppression is published in Physical Review Fluids.
Link to complete article.
February 2017
- Arjang's review article (with external collaborators) on the role of electric fields on boiling and condensation is published in an special issue of Journal of Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering.
Link to complete article.
October 2016
- Prof. Bahadur's article on flared natural gas-based atmospheric water harvesting is featured in the June issue of R&D magazine.
Link to complete article.
June 2016
- Katie’s work on electronucleation of hydrates is published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
Link to complete article.
June 2016
- Arjang receives the H. Grady Rylander Longhorn Mechanical Engineering Club Excellence in Teaching Fellowship from the Cockrell School of Engineering at UT Austin.
May 2016
- Renee is the second student to defend her PhD. Congratulations on your defense, Dr. Hale!
April 2016
- Katie becomes the first student from the group to graduate with a PhD. Congratulations on your defense, Dr. Carpenter!
April 2016
- Prof. Bahadur's article on the use of flared natural gas for atmospheric water harvesting is featured as the cover of the March issue of ASME's Mechanical Engineering magazine.
Link to complete article.
March 2016
- Enakshi's work on flared gas-based atmospheric water harvesting is published in Environmental Research Letters.
Link to complete article and video abstract.
March 2016
- Arjang and Mark's work on electrical control and enhancement of heat transfer during quenching is published in Applied Physics Letters.
Link to complete article.
March 2016
- Arjang is awarded a University Graduate Continuing Fellowship.
Februray 2016
- Katie’s work on saltwater icephobicity is published in Scientific Reports.
Link to complete article.
December 2015
- Renee’s work on electrowetting heat pipes is published in IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.
Link to complete article.
September 2015
- Prof. Bahadur is awarded the 2015 SPE New Faculty Research Grant by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). He is one of only two awardees, worldwide.
July 2015
- Chris Galvin graduates with a Masters degree and starts his job with the US Navy.
May 2015
- Katie's work on electrofreezing is published in Langmuir.
Link to complete article.
February 2015
- Enes is the first student to graduate from the group with a M.Sc. Congratulations!
December 2014
- Prof. Bahadur wins the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) R&D competition at SPE ATCE in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Link to complete article.
October 2014
- Arjang's work on boiling heat transfer is published in Langmuir.
Link to complete article.
September 2014
- Prof. Bahadur's work on drag reducing superhydrophobic coatings is published in Physics of Fluids.
August 2014
- Prof. Bahadur starts at The University of Texas at Austin after 3 years at GE Global Research.
September 2013